Halloween 2005

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Akira Kun from Bionicle
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Its that a gun in your pocket or are just happy to see me?
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The Halloween Angel
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Disguised as a good wife
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Astrid the dark fairy
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my name is Batman!
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The Angel's Wife
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From the Moscow's Ballet heavy champion 
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I'm a Princess
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And what about me?
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I'm just a little
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I'm more evil
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I'm plain XXX evil.
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Evil but cute
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Was someone looking for me?
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Have you seen my father?
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What Storm troopers look when they can find the complete uniform.
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Composition of the attendance
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Come to the dark side....
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the Adams family
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The Eclectic family
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Flame come to me!
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Some times, I walk in my sleep.
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I'll protect you from the evil doers!
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No body told me it was a custom party.
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Abracadabra and now you are a frog 
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I've told you a million times no to play with your light saber when you are not alone.
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I eat snakes for breakfast.
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My colorful mother.
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Very colorful mother.
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Dark Angel the sequel.
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A green sprite
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The Mighty Morphing Sailor Golden Key power princess.
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Have you seen Catherine Zeta Jones?
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Nice Party, eh?